Call us Today at 812-522-4460

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EngineAir, Inc.
927 N. Shields Ave.
Seymour, IN  47274
Phone:  812-522-4460
Fax:  812-523-6186





Copyright © 2007, EngineAir, Inc.
 Jerry Ousley Webs
Combustion Air
Heat Exchangers

EngineAir first began operations in November of 1988. The company was formed for the purpose of supplying quality remanufactured Roots Type Blowers to the railroad industry. Since EngineAir was a one-product company, production of the highest quality product in the market was and is the goal and driving force. Continued dedication to the highest quality standards controlled by an outstanding Quality Management System provided a straight path to ISO 9001 certification.

The customer base for EMD Roots type blowers now exceeds 75 Short Line and Regional Railroads. Included in that customer list are easily recognizable names such as Illinois & Midland Rail, Montreal Maine& Atlantic Railway, Birmingham Rail & Locomotive and Dakota, Minnesota and & Eastern.

Market requirements of the Short Line and Regional Railroads are well served by EngineAir’s finished blower availability. In general, 20 to 30 remanufactured “cores” are ready for shipment at any time.

Today EngineAir is the exclusive supplier of EMD Roots type blowers and Water Pumps (GE Style) to the Union Pacific with the remanufactured Blower relationship dating back to 1991. In addition, EngineAir provides remanufactured EMD style Roots Blowers to GE Transportation Systems (GETS) supplying their facilities in the U.S. and Mexico.

The Quality Management System (QMS) and ISO certifications have helped to provide successful expansion into additional remanufactured product lines. These additional product lines now include Inter-coolers, After-coolers, Oil-coolers, Fuel pre-heaters and Radiators.

This expanded and constantly growing product offering has allowed EngineAir to add additional Class I rail customers as well as some World Class manufacturers to its customer list. Norfolk Southern and GE are among that group.

Continuous improvement in Re-manufacturing processes, continuous expansion of the services offered and continuous growth into new markets added to the ability to partner with world-class companies allows EngineAir to continuously exceed customer’s expectations.